Friday, January 22, 2010

News worthy?


Jane said...


Kim Thomas said...

Diane....I am officially scolding you. There was so much you could have done with this link and you just posted the link!!!!!

What I learned: Mia is no longer an option for the baby

Queen B said...

So basically you can say that I can go sit on somebody and get probation?

I'm going to go out and try this, since there are no consequences...

Child: Mommy, where is daddy?
Mia: um, daddy went to heaven after I sat on him....

LoSpace said...

I just feel that there's some info missing here. Was he unconscious? How much did she weigh? What part of him did she sit on and for how long?!? I hope People or US Weekly picks up this story so I can get some answers.

Jinjer said...

Saw's nuts!