Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New laws to take effect this week

Here are a few of the laws that were passed to take effect on Wednesday.

Senate Bill 1113 - Concealed weapons permit holders may carry concealed handguns into bars and restaurants.

Senate Bill 1175 - Bans non-physicians from performing surgical abortions.

Senate Bill 1088 - Expands definition of domestic violence to include acts where there is or was a romantic or sexual relationship between the victim and the accused.

House Bill 2222 - Creates new types of special license plates.


Queen B said...

you knew 2222 had to be related to license plates!

thanks for the heads-up on the others :) Now I know the parameters around having a good time in AZ (and not landing myself in tent city)

Jenn Ann said...

At least there was one worthwhile bill ;)

Jane said...

I love that you know this!

Kim Thomas said...

Love this list!