Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Cure

This is week 3 into the series of "The Cure" at church. Tonight was about humility, great sermon! I love when Pastor Chad speaks, there are 3 pastors that usually take turns, they are all good but I think he is my favorite. Here are the highlights:

Humility is the key ingredient to receiving his love and to defeat loneliness. Pride is the greatest enemy of a great relationship.

Pride is a trust word - trusting God and others with the real me.
Pride pretends - humility deals with reality and takes initiative
Humility protects us from the 3 D's: defensive, distant and demanding

"Church is not a country club for saints but a hospital for sinners" Chad

If you are interested to watch a replay should be available monday at the link below.

Love the song with the four congregations participating.


Jane said...

Great quote

Sara said...

sounds like a great sermon! thanks for the overview :)